Distributed Generation

Connecting DG equipment above 10 kW

Most commercial or industrial installations will fall into this category.

The first step is to ensure your equipment and its installation complies with our Network Connection Standard and standards for Technical Requirements for Connecting DG under 500kW and Technical Requirements for Connecting DG above 500kW. Generally, the company providing the equipment will oversee this process, but check with them to be sure.

To connect Distributed Generation greater than 10 Kilowatts to our network, the Electricity Industry Participation Code requires that the process is undertaken in two stages. You will need to complete an application for each stage prior to installation and connection of your distributed generation - In the first stage you will need to complete the Initial Application (DG2) form to enable Centralines to scope your requirements and identify any works required to facilitate connection to the Network. In the second stage you will need to complete Final Application (DG3) form including providing the technical information required to enable Centralines to consider, evaluate the cost of providing the connection and to approve the connection of your Distributed Generation to the Network.

The application process requires input from a number of different parties, including:

  • You, as the customer
  • Your chosen electricity retailer, who you will hold the electricity purchase/sale agreement with, and will provide a two-way meter to enable this process
  • Your chosen electrician, who will help you complete the application form. It pays to obtain a quote and check the cost includes the livening agent and electrical inspector
  • The provider of your DG equipment, who will supply technical information and support
  • An electrical inspector (arranged by your electricity retailer)
  • Centralines, as the network owner

Once you have provided the completed DG2 form to us, our Customer Care Team will then contact you to discuss your application and to provide you within 30 business days with the relevant information required to progress the connection, such as network and design requirements, constraints, operational procedures, and any other information required to progress the application.

At this stage, if you wish to proceed with the connection, you need to submit a final application form (DG3) within 12 months of receiving the information provided. 

We will then advise you, in writing, if your application has been approved and any conditions of connection no later than the timeframes required in Part 6 of the Code as follows;

  1. 45 business days after the date of receipt of the final application, in the case of distributed generation that will have a nameplate capacity of less than 1 MW
  2. 60 business days after the date of receipt of the final application, in the case of distributed generation that will have a nameplate capacity of 1 MW or more but less than 5 MW; or
  3. 80 business days after the date of receipt of the final application, distributed generation that will have a nameplate capacity of at least 5 MW.

Centralines may require the distributed generator to enter into a Generation Connection Agreement for the connection addressing conditions of connection and any charges that may apply. Under Part 6 of the Code the parties have 30 business days to enter into the agreement, if an agreement is not able to be reached the regulated terms in Schedule 6.2 of Part 6 of the code will apply.

What will it cost?

Centralines will charge you an application and administration fee to process your application. We may also charge you if we need to inspect your proposed installation as part of the application process.

The following fees applicable for distributed generation above 10 kW:

Application for Distributed generation of above 10 kW in total but less than 100 kW in total (GST exclusive) $500
For an inspection of Distributed generation of above 10 kW in total but less than 100 kW in total (GST exclusive) $120
Application for Distributed generation of 100 kW or above in total but less than 1 MW (GST exclusive) $1,000
Application for Distributed generation of 1 MW and above (GST exclusive) $5,000
For an inspection of Distributed generation of 100 kW and above (GST exclusive) $1,200