Safety around electricity

Safety around electricity

At Centralines we take your safety very seriously. As part of keeping you safe it is important we remind everyone on our network about the dangers of working with or around electricity.

Every year there are a number of "close calls" reported, where machinery or trees have come into contact with the power lines or underground cables which could have caused injury or even death.

Not only is it dangerous, but it can end up potentially costing those who cause the damage thousands of dollars in reparation.

Please give electricity the respect it deserves and follow the important rules below which are in place to help keep you safe.

You will require written consent from Centralines if you:

  • plan to work within 4 metres of power lines
  • plan to dig within 5 metres of a power pole, cable or box
  • plan to trim or fell tees near power lines.

You must also contact Centralines if you:

  • need underground electrical power cables located
  • have concerns about power lines or buried electricity cables.