Centralines advises customers to be prepared for potential power cuts
Monday 19 February 2018 – Centralines is advising customers to make the most of the fine weather this evening and ensure they are prepared for potential power cuts from tomorrow.
A severe weather watch is in place for Central Hawke’s Bay with Cyclone Gita expected to hit New Zealand on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Centralines Spokesperson, Danny Gough said crews are prepared but is urging customers to check their household emergency power kits tonight.
"Although it looks like Central Hawke’s Bay will miss the worst of Cyclone Gita,we are aware that these weather events are unpredictable, and recommend our customers are prepared.
"As part of your household emergency kit, make sure you have a battery-operated radio and torch, and a full gas bottle for cooking on your BBQ," says Mr Gough.
Mr Gough said outdoor objects such furniture, trampolines and other loose items should be securely fixed to the ground.
He reminded customers that they should call 0800 NO POWER (0800 667 693) for information about power cuts or for emergencies such as trees in power lines or lines down.
Should the power go out, Centralines advises the following safety precautions:
1. If you are medically dependent, in the event of a power outage, activate your back-up plan, or call 111 if you are feeling unwell or have no alternative support plans in place. Please ensure you have registered yourself as medically dependant with your electricity retailer - their contact number can be found on your power bill.
2. Turn off the power at the main switch if you suspect any electrical damage in your home. If the power goes out, turn off all electrical appliances to prevent possible damage by a power surge when the electricity supply is restored.
3. Remember that if the electricity network is damaged, it may take a number of hours to be reconnected, so make sure you have your household emergency kit ready. Read about how to prepare for a storm at getthru.govt.nz
To keep track of Gita's progress follow MetService New Zealand